Blog que começou com denuncia sobre o calendário MAYA, que seguiu em frente com particularidades ATUAIS de nossos DRAMAS do cotidiano e sobre o PORTAL DO QUADRADO que hoje tratamos da 4D para 5D...Ficando a critério de cada QUAL o que significa na realidade esses símbolos (ARCHÉS) que com o tempo são acrescentados ou diminuídos conforme a vontade de QUEM MANDA ou de quem é MANDADO......
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Almir Bolão JustinoElizabeth, não sei se você gosta de futebol. Mas vou fazer uma comparação. Quando um jogador agride um adversário, ele é expulso. Mas se o agredido revidar, ele também será expulso. O que eu quero dizer, é que no começo do debate, eu ia sair em sua defesa. Mas você caiu no erro de envolver pessoas que não tinham nada a ver, como a mãe (esse foi o pior erro ), e a esposa. Aí tive que abandonar o caso rsrsrs. Sacou o que eu quis dizer? ?
Elizabeth Rosssim, entendi. mais fui obrigada a fazer isso, pq se não poderia parecer uma discussão de casal, e também quis devolver a ofensa com juros e multa. e também quis chamar a esposa dele na discussão, pq geralmente uma mulher casada, não gosta que o marido fique de olho em outra mulher. o xingamento dele foi de natureza exclusivamente sexual.
Almir Bolão JustinoValeu jovens. Tudo de bom pra vocês. Mas lembrem. Quando estamos discutindo cara a cara, é difícil no calor da emoção, conseguir segurar algum tipo de ofensa. Mas nesse caso( discussão por escrito), podemos parar , respirar e pensar antes de escrever. Tenham uma ótima noite.
Elizabeth RossAté quem não acredita na Divindade de Jesus, deve reconhecer que ele foi um grande filósofo. por isso que eu acho que a melhor forma de interpretar seja a luz do seu contexto histórico.
Conhecimento não existe na BÍBRA...... Não se hay de nada de Espetacular em se tratar de VELHACARIAS..... Não tinham nem conhecimento de METAFÍSICA....... Massa Primordial vir do BARRO no caso teríamos que ser UM TIJOLO......Este é um dos caso VENÉREOS e tantos outros de quem começa a LER nota que trata-se de ENCENAÇÃO (Contos que de Mentiras viraram uma VERDADE ABSOLUTA par alguns que deixam-se MANIPULAR pelo $I$TEMA$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ á milhares de SÉCULOS e Séculos....... Trata-se de uma ABERRAÇÃ um PRIMITIVISMO, como se os elementos da MASSA PRIMORDIAL seriam somente o BARRO (água, terra ) coisa muito primitiva [ mente INSANA para formar uma idéia tão PRIMITIVA e perdurar por TANTO tempo ] Criação de todas as COISAS é conto dos mais BARATOS para quem ESTUDA mais profundamente sobre outros detalhes........ Tratam-se de Textos avulsos que já nem EXISTE o ORIGINAL o que foi feito é uma HISTÓRIA recontada e REQUENTADA por muitas VEZES...... que de tanto REPETIR torna-se uma VERDADE para MUITOS.... Este é o SEGREDO do [ ]........
Nota: Buceta tem tudo haver com as Inteligências...... Também se refere a Inteligência Artificial..... pois BUCETA vem do termo [ Caixinha para guardar uma Jóia (preciosa) ] no caso específico da Caixa da Inteligência Artificial....... Portanto trata-se de mais uma BOBAGEM do FACEBOOOOOOOOOO..........O Faceboooooooooo termina por SÍ MESMO com tantas atrapalhadas que faz Perseguindo e MANIPULANDO as Mentes Criativas........Isso não se faz com quem é CRIATIVO....... Estão perdendo o FEITO de criar uma GERAÇÃO de ZUMBIS...... À selviço do $I$TEMA que tem interesse na MANIPULAÇÃO das Grandes MASSAS.......
Paulo Leonardo Castilho PiresAfinal DEMO= CRATOS é o Grito das RUAS........ e não Demônios nas RUAS..... não confundir com o POVO [ZUMBIS] ...... NAS RUAS
Afinal de contas me tornei um OProfeta Profeta não foi à toa.... Lido com o Público e leio muito sobre os FACTOS...... quando escrevo alguma LETRA diferente é apenas para diferenciar das outras e chamar a atenção de quem está LENDO......
A paz de espíritoé a base deum corpo saudável euma mente saudável;assima paz de espírito,uma mente calma,é muito, muitoimportante. DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Desenvolvimentomaterial sónos trazconforto físico;desenvolvimento mentaldepende detreinar a mente.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Todas as grandestradições religiosaslevar a mensagem deamor, compaixão eperdão.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
"Logodivertidafalha"Dê uma segundaolhada nesteslogotipofalhar,eu estourindo tanto..
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Oúltimo fatordeterminar setemosuma mente saudável eum corpo saudávelse encontra dentro.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Devemos insistirna observação de queo meudireito à felicidadenão carregamais peso do queigual direitodos outros. DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Não importaqual atividadeou práticaque estamos a seguir, não hánada que nãoé facilitadoatravés da familiaridadeconstante etreinamento.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Olhando paravários meios dedesenvolvera compaixão, eu acho quea empatia éum fator importante:a capacidade de apreciaro sofrimento dos outros.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Eu olho paraas pessoas deum ângulo positivo, buscandoaspectos positivos.Isto imediatamentecria uma sensação deafinidade, uma espécie deconexão.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Eu achoque o comportamento éticoé outra característicadotipo de disciplinainterior queleva a umaexistênciamais feliz.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Observando o padrãode nossa existência, desde o nascimentoaté a morte, podemos vera maneira em queestamosfundamentalmentenutridapelo afetodo outro.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Depois deincentivaro pensamento decompaixãoem sua mente, uma vez queele se torna ativo, então a suaatitudepara com os outrosmuda automaticamente.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
"A ciência étotalmente impressionante"Asmais incríveisdescobertas da nova ciência;carros voadoressãofinalmente aqui!
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Mesmopesquisadores médicosmodernos têmchegado à conclusão deque a pazde espírito évitalpara uma boa saúde.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Se você fizero seu melhoresforço para sergentil,cultivara compaixão, afazer do mundo umlugar melhor,então você podedizer: "Pelo menos eufiz o meu melhor??.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Lembre-se quea calma eacompaixãosão uma parte importantede uma vidahumanafrutífera,positiva.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Se usarmoscircunstâncias favoráveis, tais comoboa saúdeouriquezapara ajudar os outros, eles podem serfatores que contribuempara alcançaruma vida mais feliz
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
"Casasde bilionáriosem todo omundo"Confira20casas mais caras!Pensamos#1 éincompreensível!
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Eu não??tachoafeto ecompaixão humanasãoapenas preocupaçõesreligiosas;eles?? refatores indispensáveisemnosso dia-a-dia.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Aprática espiritualé uma batalhaconstante dentro, substituindocondicionamento negativoanterior ouhabituaçãocomnovocondicionamento positivo.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Em um nível,todas as grandestradições religiosastêm o mesmoobjetivo??de transformaro indivíduoem um serpositivo.
"Por queos cãessão os melhores"Os melhoresgifsde cãesde todos os tempos.Ever.Ever.Ever,Ever.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Dentro detodos os seres, háuma sementede perfeição;Mas a compaixãoé necessária para ativaressa sementeinerenteem nossos coraçõese mentes.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Eu acredito que umautilização adequadado nosso tempo épara servir os outrosse podemosou, pelo menos,abster-se deprejudicá-los.Essa é a baseda minha filosofia. DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Compaixãocria umaatmosfera positivaamigável.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Alcançara verdadeira felicidadepode exigirprovocar uma transformaçãona sua perspectivaemaneira de pensar.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
"HilarianteNewLOLCats"Você já viu onovoLOLCATS?#6vai fazer você chorarde tanto rir!
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Achoque cultivarestados mentaispositivoscomo a bondadeea compaixãodefinitivamenteleva a uma melhorsaúde psicológicae felicidade.
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
Eu acreditoque a nossa naturezabásica oufundamental égentileza einteligência éum desenvolvimento posterior.
Sua contribuição será usada para melhorar a qualidade da tradução e poderá ser exibida anonimamente a outros usuários.
Agradecemos o envio.
Definições de Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Peace of mind is the basis of a healthy body and a healthy mind; so peace of mind, a calm mind, is very, very important. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Material development only brings us physical comfort; mental development depends on training the mind. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out All the major religious traditions carry the message of love, compassion and forgiveness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious Logo Fails" Take a second look at these logo fails, I'm laughing so hard .. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out The ultimate factor determining whether we have a healthy mind and a healthy body lies within. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out We must insist on the observation that my right to happiness carries no more weight than others' similar right. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out No matter what activity or practice we are pursuing, there isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity and training. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at various means of developing compassion, I think empathy is an important factor: the ability to appreciate others' suffering. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I look at people from a positive angle, seeking positive aspects. This immediately creates a feeling of affinity, a kind of connectedness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that ethical behavior is another feature of the kind of inner discipline that leads to a happier existence. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at the pattern of our existence from birth to death, we can see the way in which we are fundamentally nurtured by other's affection. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Science is Totally Awesome" The most amazing new science discoveries; flying cars are finally here! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Even modern medical researchers have come to the conclusion that peace of mind is vital for good health. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Remember that calmness and compassion are an important part of living a fruitful, positive human life. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If we use favorable circumstances such as good health or wealth to help others, they can be contributory factors to achieving a happier life Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Homes of Billionaires Around the World" Check out 20 Most expensive homes! We think #1 is mind-boggling! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I dont think human affection and compassion are just religious concerns; theyre indispensable factors in our day-to-day lives. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out At one level, all major religious traditions have the same aim to transform the individual into a positive being. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion but I believe that the basic, underlying nature of human beings is gentleness Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Why Dogs Are The Best"The best dog gifs of all time. Ever. Ever. Ever, Ever. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Within all beings there is a seed of perfection; but compassion is required to activate that seed inherent in our hearts and minds. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe a proper use of our time is to serve others if we can or at least refrain from harming them. That is the basis of my philosophy. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Achieving genuine happiness may require bringing about a transformation in your outlook and way of thinking. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious New LoLCats " Have you seen the new LoLCats? #6 will make you cry with laughter! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that cultivating positive mental states like kindness and compassion definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe that our underlying or fundamental nature is gentleness, and intelligence is a later development.
Sinônimos de Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Peace of mind is the basis of a healthy body and a healthy mind; so peace of mind, a calm mind, is very, very important. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Material development only brings us physical comfort; mental development depends on training the mind. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out All the major religious traditions carry the message of love, compassion and forgiveness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious Logo Fails" Take a second look at these logo fails, I'm laughing so hard .. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out The ultimate factor determining whether we have a healthy mind and a healthy body lies within. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out We must insist on the observation that my right to happiness carries no more weight than others' similar right. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out No matter what activity or practice we are pursuing, there isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity and training. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at various means of developing compassion, I think empathy is an important factor: the ability to appreciate others' suffering. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I look at people from a positive angle, seeking positive aspects. This immediately creates a feeling of affinity, a kind of connectedness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that ethical behavior is another feature of the kind of inner discipline that leads to a happier existence. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at the pattern of our existence from birth to death, we can see the way in which we are fundamentally nurtured by other's affection. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Science is Totally Awesome" The most amazing new science discoveries; flying cars are finally here! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Even modern medical researchers have come to the conclusion that peace of mind is vital for good health. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Remember that calmness and compassion are an important part of living a fruitful, positive human life. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If we use favorable circumstances such as good health or wealth to help others, they can be contributory factors to achieving a happier life Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Homes of Billionaires Around the World" Check out 20 Most expensive homes! We think #1 is mind-boggling! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I dont think human affection and compassion are just religious concerns; theyre indispensable factors in our day-to-day lives. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out At one level, all major religious traditions have the same aim to transform the individual into a positive being. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion but I believe that the basic, underlying nature of human beings is gentleness Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Why Dogs Are The Best"The best dog gifs of all time. Ever. Ever. Ever, Ever. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Within all beings there is a seed of perfection; but compassion is required to activate that seed inherent in our hearts and minds. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe a proper use of our time is to serve others if we can or at least refrain from harming them. That is the basis of my philosophy. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Achieving genuine happiness may require bringing about a transformation in your outlook and way of thinking. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious New LoLCats " Have you seen the new LoLCats? #6 will make you cry with laughter! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that cultivating positive mental states like kindness and compassion definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe that our underlying or fundamental nature is gentleness, and intelligence is a later development.
Exemplos de Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Peace of mind is the basis of a healthy body and a healthy mind; so peace of mind, a calm mind, is very, very important. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Material development only brings us physical comfort; mental development depends on training the mind. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out All the major religious traditions carry the message of love, compassion and forgiveness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious Logo Fails" Take a second look at these logo fails, I'm laughing so hard .. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out The ultimate factor determining whether we have a healthy mind and a healthy body lies within. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out We must insist on the observation that my right to happiness carries no more weight than others' similar right. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out No matter what activity or practice we are pursuing, there isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity and training. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at various means of developing compassion, I think empathy is an important factor: the ability to appreciate others' suffering. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I look at people from a positive angle, seeking positive aspects. This immediately creates a feeling of affinity, a kind of connectedness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that ethical behavior is another feature of the kind of inner discipline that leads to a happier existence. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at the pattern of our existence from birth to death, we can see the way in which we are fundamentally nurtured by other's affection. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Science is Totally Awesome" The most amazing new science discoveries; flying cars are finally here! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Even modern medical researchers have come to the conclusion that peace of mind is vital for good health. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Remember that calmness and compassion are an important part of living a fruitful, positive human life. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If we use favorable circumstances such as good health or wealth to help others, they can be contributory factors to achieving a happier life Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Homes of Billionaires Around the World" Check out 20 Most expensive homes! We think #1 is mind-boggling! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I dont think human affection and compassion are just religious concerns; theyre indispensable factors in our day-to-day lives. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out At one level, all major religious traditions have the same aim to transform the individual into a positive being. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion but I believe that the basic, underlying nature of human beings is gentleness Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Why Dogs Are The Best"The best dog gifs of all time. Ever. Ever. Ever, Ever. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Within all beings there is a seed of perfection; but compassion is required to activate that seed inherent in our hearts and minds. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe a proper use of our time is to serve others if we can or at least refrain from harming them. That is the basis of my philosophy. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Achieving genuine happiness may require bringing about a transformation in your outlook and way of thinking. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious New LoLCats " Have you seen the new LoLCats? #6 will make you cry with laughter! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that cultivating positive mental states like kindness and compassion definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe that our underlying or fundamental nature is gentleness, and intelligence is a later development.
Veja também
Traduções de Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Peace of mind is the basis of a healthy body and a healthy mind; so peace of mind, a calm mind, is very, very important. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Material development only brings us physical comfort; mental development depends on training the mind. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out All the major religious traditions carry the message of love, compassion and forgiveness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious Logo Fails" Take a second look at these logo fails, I'm laughing so hard .. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out The ultimate factor determining whether we have a healthy mind and a healthy body lies within. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out We must insist on the observation that my right to happiness carries no more weight than others' similar right. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out No matter what activity or practice we are pursuing, there isn't anything that isn't made easier through constant familiarity and training. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at various means of developing compassion, I think empathy is an important factor: the ability to appreciate others' suffering. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I look at people from a positive angle, seeking positive aspects. This immediately creates a feeling of affinity, a kind of connectedness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that ethical behavior is another feature of the kind of inner discipline that leads to a happier existence. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Looking at the pattern of our existence from birth to death, we can see the way in which we are fundamentally nurtured by other's affection. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Once you encourage the thought of compassion in your mind, once it becomes active, then your attitude towards others changes automatically. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Science is Totally Awesome" The most amazing new science discoveries; flying cars are finally here! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Even modern medical researchers have come to the conclusion that peace of mind is vital for good health. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If you make your best effort to be kinder, nurture compassion, make the world a better place, then you can say 'At least I've done my best. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Remember that calmness and compassion are an important part of living a fruitful, positive human life. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out If we use favorable circumstances such as good health or wealth to help others, they can be contributory factors to achieving a happier life Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Homes of Billionaires Around the World" Check out 20 Most expensive homes! We think #1 is mind-boggling! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I dont think human affection and compassion are just religious concerns; theyre indispensable factors in our day-to-day lives. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out A spiritual practice is a constant battle within, replacing previous negative conditioning or habituation with new positive conditioning. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out At one level, all major religious traditions have the same aim to transform the individual into a positive being. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion but I believe that the basic, underlying nature of human beings is gentleness Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Why Dogs Are The Best"The best dog gifs of all time. Ever. Ever. Ever, Ever. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Within all beings there is a seed of perfection; but compassion is required to activate that seed inherent in our hearts and minds. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe a proper use of our time is to serve others if we can or at least refrain from harming them. That is the basis of my philosophy. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out Achieving genuine happiness may require bringing about a transformation in your outlook and way of thinking. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out "Hilarious New LoLCats " Have you seen the new LoLCats? #6 will make you cry with laughter! Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I think that cultivating positive mental states like kindness and compassion definitely leads to better psychological health and happiness. Dalai Lama Quotes @DalaiLamaPosts · 26 de out I believe that our underlying or fundamental nature is gentleness, and intelligence is a later development.
Dalai Lamaao_DalaiLama
Para um bodhisattva para ser bem sucedido na realização da prática das seis perfeições - generosidade, disciplina ética, a tolerância ...
@ao_DalaiLama a Ética não é a mesma ETHIKA. Trata-se de se voltar para sí mesmo este é o caminho IDEAL.......
DalaiLama QuotesDalaiLamaPosts·26desfora
A paz de espíritoé a base deum corpo saudável euma mente saudável;assima paz de espírito,uma mente calma,émuito, muito importante