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quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014

There is an injection that compromises the DNA .... for dangerous prisoners ...... Types of gene therapy [edit | edit source code ] Theoretically it is possible to transform either somatic cells (most cells of the body ) and germ cells ( sperm , ova , and its precursor stem cells ) .

There is an injection that compromises the DNA .... for dangerous prisoners ......
Types of gene therapy [edit | edit source code ] Theoretically it is possible to transform either somatic cells (most cells of the body ) and germ cells ( sperm , ova , and its precursor stem cells ) . All genetic therapies performed in humans so far been directed to somatic cells, whereas the engineering of stem cells remains highly controversial. For the introduced genes are normally transmitted to offspring , it is necessary not only that they are inserted into the cell , but also to be incorporated into the chromosome by genetic recombination . The genetic somatic gene therapy can be divided into two broad categories : ex vivo ( in which the cells are modified outside the body and then transplanted back into the patient) and in vivo ( in which the genes are modified cells still within the body). Approaches based on in vivo recombination are especially unusual .Are used to inhibit the power MALE ..... ( broxar )2 . Show up unable to perform the sexual act .

Note: This type of stimulus BROXANTE is a kind of acid DNA ..... % C3 % A9tica
Methods of gene therapyA variety of different methods to replace or repair the genes targeted in gene therapy .A normal gene may be inserted into a nonspecific location within the genome to replace a nonfunctional gene . This approach is the most common .An abnormal gene could be swapped for a normal gene through homologous recombination.The abnormal gene could be repaired through selective reverse mutation, which returns the gene to its normal functions tinguelo .The regulation ( the degree to which a gene is active or inactive ) of a particular gene could be altered .

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