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sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

@ PauloCasti Twettando The Mayas were already talking about the veil that humans must see and remove to see the reality ..... Maya = ylusao human

crioulo haitiano
Paul Leonardo Casti @ PauloCasti
The ylusao human is the same as the [] or portal that accesses the human from birth
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9 min @ Casti Leonard Paul PauloCasti
@ @ PauloCasti Twettando The Mayas were already talking about the veil that humans must see and remove to see the reality ..... Maya = ylusao human
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11 min @ Paul Leonardo Casti PauloCasti
change old behaviors that serve to control society through the 3 pillars that society still preserves
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12 min @ Paul Leonardo Casti PauloCasti
@ Twettando they change through generations but since they do not accept the old halters that last for centuries and centuries just mudarconfundem not believe in god ...... because it simply does not exist beyond the []
comes to human ylusao
Paul Leonardo Casti @ PauloCasti
The fact that man sees or not is another humanus [] sees because he is not alienated and only accesses the Portal [] it does not go beyond
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