exato o povo tem o poder
e não sabe
13 de Junho

Fque esperto!
os religiosos estão estudando filosofia!
Para confundir a mente do povo!
Aquela velha filosofia!
Chamada retórica!
Eles sabem o que estão fazendo!
Não falam a verdade!
Estão mentindo!
Tudo porque de ganancia
Dinheiro fácil!
Eles estão vendo que as pessoas estão evoluindo!
E não estão mais conseguindo ter domínio!
eles sao YLUMINADOS desde o ABRAHAO
São espertos!
Muito espertos!
AFINAL foram eles que inventaram o [ ]
que nao entra na YMAGYNAÇÃO HUMANA
e mesmo assim eles estão dentro dele
os HUMANUS sao a mayorya dos alyenados
eles os humanus procuram dentro do quadrado sendo que este [ ] esta dentro de cada um de nós e não dentro do [ ] que os yluminados fazem acreditar que existe que para eles é único......
sabemos que é um PORTAL QUE faz de conta que é um (devido ao politeísmo que estava nascendo) isto fez com que os 72 procurassem uma fórmula para que o povo entendesse que devería ser adotado o Monoteísmo para que nao separassem A mayorya da Mynorya
vc ta aí ou falo sozinho????
vc viu a maluquice do ATEU????
Agora entendi porque a terra tem seis mil anos na b'blia!
aGORA conto sobre o que lí dos KAHUNAS....
A maça é considerada como o CONSCIENTE humano
Outro famoso é o Amanita Muscária, que tem sido empregado há mais de 6.000 anos, por xamãs siberianos
O Amanita Muscária, que tem sido empregado há mais de 6.000 anos, por xamãs siberianos.
Por isso o porque dos seis mil anos na bíblia!
deve ser a história do Império Romano-Egipcio
que está com os dias contados
Vai muito mais além disso!
Deve ser o mesma ideia do Amanita!
Sabemos que antes houve a história do Abrahao que foi o patriarca
Já que o amanita passa por todas as civilizações!
Que deu o nome a história das Grandes religioes atuais
Vou na rua, já volto!
só a hist'ria de Abrahao levou 1000anos para ser contada
É tudo armação
há duas bíblias.......
e milhares de traduçoes e nenhuma que valha a pena
Alcorao é uma velha e surrada tradução
Fim da conversa no bate-papo
Fque esperto!
os religiosos estão estudando filosofia!
Para confundir a mente do povo!
Aquela velha filosofia!
Chamada retórica!
Eles sabem o que estão fazendo!
Não falam a verdade!
Estão mentindo!
Tudo porque de ganancia
Dinheiro fácil!
Eles estão vendo que as pessoas estão evoluindo!
E não estão mais conseguindo ter domínio!
eles sao YLUMINADOS desde o ABRAHAO
São espertos!
Muito espertos!
AFINAL foram eles que inventaram o [ ]
que nao entra na YMAGYNAÇÃO HUMANA
e mesmo assim eles estão dentro dele
os HUMANUS sao a mayorya dos alyenados
eles os humanus procuram dentro do quadrado sendo que este [ ] esta dentro de cada um de nós e não dentro do [ ] que os yluminados fazem acreditar que existe que para eles é único......
sabemos que é um PORTAL QUE faz de conta que é um (devido ao politeísmo que estava nascendo) isto fez com que os 72 procurassem uma fórmula para que o povo entendesse que devería ser adotado o Monoteísmo para que nao separassem A mayorya da Mynorya
vc ta aí ou falo sozinho????
vc viu a maluquice do ATEU????
Agora entendi porque a terra tem seis mil anos na b'blia!
aGORA conto sobre o que lí dos KAHUNAS....
A maça é considerada como o CONSCIENTE humano
Outro famoso é o Amanita Muscária, que tem sido empregado há mais de 6.000 anos, por xamãs siberianos
O Amanita Muscária, que tem sido empregado há mais de 6.000 anos, por xamãs siberianos.
Por isso o porque dos seis mil anos na bíblia!
deve ser a história do Império Romano-Egipcio
que está com os dias contados
Vai muito mais além disso!
Deve ser o mesma ideia do Amanita!
Sabemos que antes houve a história do Abrahao que foi o patriarca
Já que o amanita passa por todas as civilizações!
Que deu o nome a história das Grandes religioes atuais
Vou na rua, já volto!
só a hist'ria de Abrahao levou 1000anos para ser contada
É tudo armação
há duas bíblias.......
e milhares de traduçoes e nenhuma que valha a pena
Alcorao é uma velha e surrada tradução
Fim da conversa no bate-papo

tava falando com aldo hoje
o tora antes de ser escrito
foi transmitido de boca em boca durante muito tempo

matinho lutherio
excluio seis livros
imagina só o que o imperio romano
não excluiu

o império Romano traduziu como quis do Grego para o LATIM e a história de YGLEZYA, MORAL e ETHÍCA , foram adulteradas e o POVO assimilou o que entendem hoje......

assimilou o que o imperio kis
a igreja é o braço do imperio
talvez a unica coisa poderosa
que tenha sobrado de tudo aquilo

Moral e Éthica
Moral deriva do latim mores, "relativo aos costumes". Seria importante referir, ainda, quanto à etimologia da palavra "moral", que esta se originou a partir do intento dos romanos traduzirem a palavra grega êthica.
E assim, a palavra moral não traduz por completo, a palavra grega originária. É que êthica possuía, para os gregos, dois sentidos complementares: o primeiro derivava de êthos e significava, numa palavra, a interioridade do ato humano, ou seja, aquilo que gera uma ação genuinamente humana e que brota a partir de dentro do sujeito moral, ou seja, êthos remete-nos para o âmago do agir, para a intenção. Por outro lado, êthica significava também éthos, remetendo-nos para a questão dos hábitos, costumes, usos e regras, o que se materializa na assimilação social dos valores.
A tradução latina do termo êthica para mores "esqueceu" o sentido de êthos (a dimensão pessoal do ato humano), privilegiando o sentido comunitário da atitude valorativa. Dessa tradução incompleta resulta a confusão que muitos, hoje, fazem entre os termos ética e moral.
A ética pode encontrar-se com a moral pois a suporta, na medida em que não existem costumes ou hábitos sociais completamente separados de uma ética individual. Da ética individual se passa a um valor social, e deste, quando devidamente enraizado numa sociedade, se passa à lei. Assim, pode-se afirmar, seguindo este raciocínio, que não existe lei sem uma ética que lhe sirva de alicerce.
E assim, a palavra moral não traduz por completo, a palavra grega originária. É que êthica possuía, para os gregos, dois sentidos complementares: o primeiro derivava de êthos e significava, numa palavra, a interioridade do ato humano, ou seja, aquilo que gera uma ação genuinamente humana e que brota a partir de dentro do sujeito moral, ou seja, êthos remete-nos para o âmago do agir, para a intenção. Por outro lado, êthica significava também éthos, remetendo-nos para a questão dos hábitos, costumes, usos e regras, o que se materializa na assimilação social dos valores.
A tradução latina do termo êthica para mores "esqueceu" o sentido de êthos (a dimensão pessoal do ato humano), privilegiando o sentido comunitário da atitude valorativa. Dessa tradução incompleta resulta a confusão que muitos, hoje, fazem entre os termos ética e moral.
A ética pode encontrar-se com a moral pois a suporta, na medida em que não existem costumes ou hábitos sociais completamente separados de uma ética individual. Da ética individual se passa a um valor social, e deste, quando devidamente enraizado numa sociedade, se passa à lei. Assim, pode-se afirmar, seguindo este raciocínio, que não existe lei sem uma ética que lhe sirva de alicerce.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meu amigo para o POVO Igreja é diferente do real significado do GREGO que é ORGIA=Prostituta que veio a estabelecer o sistema Político Religioso e Economico como razão do CONTROLE da sociedade
agora nao estou no msn

no Wiki tem toda a história da ética e Moral que foram traduzidas ou erradas ou de propósito.....
Sendo que Agostinho o Santo era um fracasso no GREGO

Devemos continuar debatendo sobre este assunto que repito todo o momento que as instituiçoes que temos sao a Prostituta

quando a comunicação é muito mais que palavras
aliais a comunicação pode superar as palavras
o cortecs
segundo alguns cientista
pode ser desenvolvido e
a palavra escrita ou falada
é limitada
por isso ocorre tantos erros nas traduções
sem contar a mal intenção

as 2 bíblias que falo sao as dos PATRIARCAS e a outra o NT que narra o cristianismo.......
e foram narrados 270anos após.....

e depois se encerrou as narrativas.....
século IV quando se iniciou o cristianismo própriamente dito

houve um abalo na Guerra Santa mas a Igreja sempre ficou se fazendo de surda e muda e até hoje governa sobre este mesmo sistema....

no século XX ela vira as costas para os seus fiéis e fez acordos com Hitler e perde o seu PODER temporal
antes já havia perdido grande parte deste poder para NAPOLEÃO quando o General Bertier sequestra o PAPA e quase atira o corpo dele no MAR.....
este Papa foi morto

Nelson Thomé
Um deus tão poderoso, como o deus cristão, inclui rituais pagãos milenares ao cristianismo, uma nova liturgia que nascia: batismo, santa ceia, Trindade, sacramento, vida eterma, céu, hóstia...

Mas nao esqueça que no holocausto morreu mais Cristaos do que judeus.....
e é aí que eles viram as costas para os fiéis

é mais os livros de historia não revelam
os filhas da putas dos judeus
tbm não falam que nunca acreditaram em jesus
sendo eles pais do cristianismo
mais não segue nem acreditam
esse foi o artificil de hitle
usou contra os judeus

Os judeus ainda estão esperando o Prometido MESSIAS juntamente com os Maometanos
muçulmanos e etc....

mais a filha de herodis gostava dele
tanto que pediu a cabeça dele pro pai
em uma bandeja
e ele o fez
pelomenos contas nos livros de historia
mesmo eu sabendo o que se aprende de historia
menos de 02% é verdade

os 2% equivalem a caganeira que Dom Pedro teve no riacho Ipiranga quando saltou do Cavalo e um Bajulador interpretou que ele estava dando o Grito do Ipiranga.....kkkkkkkkkao[ ]

e nos quadros o cavalo foi retratado por um cara que nunca saiu para o interior do brasil e retratou o brasilis como se estivesse no interior.....

quando D.Joao saiu do Brasil deu um desfalque no Banco do Brasil e deixou sómente papéis podres.... Levou tudo de bom de volta para PURTUGAL
exactly the people have the powerand do not knoware conditioned by the MAYORIA MAYORYAmynoryait ismynorya the conditions for social control dictating the q can not doput a part of our conversationJune 13bah .... Aldo arrived in Salvador and stressed .....kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkTodayProphet!Fque smart!are studying religious philosophy!To confuse the minds of the people!That old philosophy!Call rhetoric!They know what they are doing!They do not speak the truth!They're lying!All because of greedEasy money!They are seeing that people are evolving!And are no longer able to master!they are YLUMINADOS from AbrahamIt is!They are smart!Very clever!AT LAST it was they who invented the []it isthat does not enter the YMAGYNAÇÃO HUMANand yet they are insidehumanus are those of the mayorya alyenadosthey
seek the humanus inside the square and this [] is within each of us and
not within the [] that yluminados do believe that for them there is
only one ......we
know that is a PORTAL TO pretend that one is (due to the polytheism
that was coming) that made the 72 sought a formula so that the people
understood that it should be adopted so that Monotheism is not separated
from the mayorya Mynoryata you there or talk to myself??yesProphetyou saw the folly of ATHEIST??Now I understand why the earth is six thousand years in b'blia!NotNOW I read them the story about the Kahunas ....The apple is regarded as the human AWARESee!Another famous is the Amanita muscaria, which has been used for over 6000 years, by Siberian shamans
The Amanita muscaria, which has been used for over 6000 years, by Siberian shamans.So why the six thousand years in the bible!http://www.xamanismo.com.br/Poder/SubPoder1189634475It004should be the story of the Roman Empire-Egyptianit has its days numberedIt goes far beyond that!Must be the same idea of Amanita!We know that before there was the story of the patriarch who was AbrahaoSince the Amanita goes through all the civilizations!Who gave the name of the history of religions present GreatokayI'm going on the street, I'll be back!only took 1000anos hist'ria of Abraham to be toldIt is!It's all frameAssemblies18:36there are two bibles .......and thousands of translations and no worthwhileQuran is an old and shabby translationEnd of conversation in the chatkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaldo was talking to todaythe log before being writtenwas transmitted by word of mouth for a long timelog and al-heartimagine that not only was taken and acrecentadothe people are blindand q Abrahao was then translated 1000anoskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMatinho lutherioexcluio six booksjust imagine what the Roman Empirenot excludedtranslated as the Roman empire declined from Greek into Latin and history of YGLEZYA, MORAL and Ethica, were tampered with and assimilated the PEOPLE who understand today ......= Yglezya Orgyassimilated what the empire kisthe church is the arm of the Empireperhaps the only thing powerfulthat has remained of all thatMoral and EthicaMorality derives from the Latin mores, "on the customs." It would be important to note, though, as the etymology of the word "moral" that originated from the Roman attempt to translate the Greek word Ethica.And so the word moral does not translate in full, the Greek original. Is that Ethica had for the Greeks, two complementary directions: the first derived from ethos and meant, in a word, the interiority of the human act, that is, what creates a genuinely human action and that comes from within the moral subject , or ethos brings us to the core of the act, to the intent. On the other hand, it also meant Ethica ethos, referring us to the question of the habits, customs, traditions and rules, which materializes in the assimilation of social values.The Latin translation of the term for Ethica mores "forgot" the sense of ethos (the personal dimension of human action), emphasizing the evaluative sense of community attitude. This incomplete translation follows the confusion that many today are between the terms ethics and morals.Ethics can meet the moral support because, in that there are no customs or social habits of a completely separate individual ethics. Of individual ethics is going to a social value, and this, when properly rooted in a society, if the law passes. Thus, it can be stated, the reasoning goes, there is no law without an ethic that will serve as a foundation.goodyou have this textsends a file on my msnalready attain BlissMy friend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to PEOPLE Church is different from the real meaning of which is GREEK ORGY = prostitute who came to establish the Religious Political and Economic System as a reason CONTROL societyhttp://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoralNow I'm not on msnblzI already savedearnedWiki has in the history of ethics and morals that have been translated or wrong or on purpose .....Being that St. Augustine was a failure in GREEKA few years agoI had this textI had some ideasI will put into practice againWe must continue debating on this subject that I repeat all the time that the institutions we have are the Whoresee sowe exchange these ideaswords are just symbols of symbolsthe word does not cover all thoughtPeople try to guess what was going on in the head .... Prophetthought is much greater than the wordsthe words are stuckand []when communication is much more than wordsAllais communication can overcome the wordsthe cortecsaccording to some scientistcan be developed andtransmitthe spoken or written wordis limitedso many errors in translation takes placenot to mention the evil intentAugustine did not like to read, then used the verbal communication ..... kkkkkkkkkkthe []kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkthe two Bibles that are the talk of PATRIARCHS and another that tells the NT Christianity .......and were reported after 270anos .....it isafter concillo of Nicaeaand then ended narratives .....started when fourth century Christianity itselfConstantine was losing powerand the Roman Empire tbmhe adhered to Christianitythere was a stir in the Holy War but the Church was always making himself deaf and dumb and still rules over the same system ....and he reigned for a long timeexactin the twentieth century she turns back to his faithful and made agreements with Hitler and loses its temporal POWERbefore had lost much of this power to NAPOLEON when General Berthier kidnaps the POPE and almost throws his body in SEA .....This Pope was killedWhen Luther founded the protestianismothey have lost much
OptionsThome NelsonA God so powerful, as the Christian God, includes ancient pagan rituals to Christianity, a new liturgy that was born: baptism, holy communion, Trinity, sacraments, life eterma sky, host ...addition of many more countries oura no longer have Christianity as churchcountries that??kkkkkkkkkkkkkeuropeI understand ...completed the sentence of my friend with Santa Inquisition........saintthe holy officeboth killed when the HolocaustBut do not forget that the Holocaust killed more Christians than Jews .....and that is where they turn their backs on the faithfulis more the history books do not revealthe daughters of whores of the Jewstbm does not say that never believed in Jesusthey are fathers of Christianitymost do not follow or believethis was the artificil of hitleused against the JewsThe Jews are still awaiting the promised Messiah with the MohammedansMuslims and so on ....kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkWho was the father of Christianity was a PROSTITUTE (Catholic)kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMagdaleneHaHaHaHaMagdalene had money and kept the congregationit isAnd Pedro was the mistress of JesuisJao know that Baptist was not a contemporary of JesusJao Baptist batisou not jesuswe know better .... and even a beggar who was in his time anyone put up withmore herodis daughter liked itso he asked his father's head proon a trayand he didpelomenos accounts in history bookseven though I know what you learn from historyless than 02% truehe could not do that because the law is not allowed because Jesus was the son of a Roman soldierhumequivalent to 2% caganeira that Don Pedro had Ipiranga in the creek when the horse jumped and played a sycophant he was giving the Cry of the Ipiranga kkkkkkkkkao ..... []kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkonly to seewhere are the foundation of this countryframes and the horse was portrayed by a guy who never went to the interior of Brazil and portrayed as if brasilis inside .....Vespusso americothe troops of King Peter was all for nagMules and DonkeyskkkkkkkkkkkkkkHorse in Brazilwas a luxury that neither D. pedro had19:42left Brazil when King John gave an embezzlement at the Bank of Brazil and left as few bad roles .... It took everything good back PURTUGAL
The Amanita muscaria, which has been used for over 6000 years, by Siberian shamans.So why the six thousand years in the bible!http://www.xamanismo.com.br/Poder/SubPoder1189634475It004should be the story of the Roman Empire-Egyptianit has its days numberedIt goes far beyond that!Must be the same idea of Amanita!We know that before there was the story of the patriarch who was AbrahaoSince the Amanita goes through all the civilizations!Who gave the name of the history of religions present GreatokayI'm going on the street, I'll be back!only took 1000anos hist'ria of Abraham to be toldIt is!It's all frameAssemblies18:36there are two bibles .......and thousands of translations and no worthwhileQuran is an old and shabby translationEnd of conversation in the chatkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaldo was talking to todaythe log before being writtenwas transmitted by word of mouth for a long timelog and al-heartimagine that not only was taken and acrecentadothe people are blindand q Abrahao was then translated 1000anoskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMatinho lutherioexcluio six booksjust imagine what the Roman Empirenot excludedtranslated as the Roman empire declined from Greek into Latin and history of YGLEZYA, MORAL and Ethica, were tampered with and assimilated the PEOPLE who understand today ......= Yglezya Orgyassimilated what the empire kisthe church is the arm of the Empireperhaps the only thing powerfulthat has remained of all thatMoral and EthicaMorality derives from the Latin mores, "on the customs." It would be important to note, though, as the etymology of the word "moral" that originated from the Roman attempt to translate the Greek word Ethica.And so the word moral does not translate in full, the Greek original. Is that Ethica had for the Greeks, two complementary directions: the first derived from ethos and meant, in a word, the interiority of the human act, that is, what creates a genuinely human action and that comes from within the moral subject , or ethos brings us to the core of the act, to the intent. On the other hand, it also meant Ethica ethos, referring us to the question of the habits, customs, traditions and rules, which materializes in the assimilation of social values.The Latin translation of the term for Ethica mores "forgot" the sense of ethos (the personal dimension of human action), emphasizing the evaluative sense of community attitude. This incomplete translation follows the confusion that many today are between the terms ethics and morals.Ethics can meet the moral support because, in that there are no customs or social habits of a completely separate individual ethics. Of individual ethics is going to a social value, and this, when properly rooted in a society, if the law passes. Thus, it can be stated, the reasoning goes, there is no law without an ethic that will serve as a foundation.goodyou have this textsends a file on my msnalready attain BlissMy friend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to PEOPLE Church is different from the real meaning of which is GREEK ORGY = prostitute who came to establish the Religious Political and Economic System as a reason CONTROL societyhttp://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoralNow I'm not on msnblzI already savedearnedWiki has in the history of ethics and morals that have been translated or wrong or on purpose .....Being that St. Augustine was a failure in GREEKA few years agoI had this textI had some ideasI will put into practice againWe must continue debating on this subject that I repeat all the time that the institutions we have are the Whoresee sowe exchange these ideaswords are just symbols of symbolsthe word does not cover all thoughtPeople try to guess what was going on in the head .... Prophetthought is much greater than the wordsthe words are stuckand []when communication is much more than wordsAllais communication can overcome the wordsthe cortecsaccording to some scientistcan be developed andtransmitthe spoken or written wordis limitedso many errors in translation takes placenot to mention the evil intentAugustine did not like to read, then used the verbal communication ..... kkkkkkkkkkthe []kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkthe two Bibles that are the talk of PATRIARCHS and another that tells the NT Christianity .......and were reported after 270anos .....it isafter concillo of Nicaeaand then ended narratives .....started when fourth century Christianity itselfConstantine was losing powerand the Roman Empire tbmhe adhered to Christianitythere was a stir in the Holy War but the Church was always making himself deaf and dumb and still rules over the same system ....and he reigned for a long timeexactin the twentieth century she turns back to his faithful and made agreements with Hitler and loses its temporal POWERbefore had lost much of this power to NAPOLEON when General Berthier kidnaps the POPE and almost throws his body in SEA .....This Pope was killedWhen Luther founded the protestianismothey have lost much
OptionsThome NelsonA God so powerful, as the Christian God, includes ancient pagan rituals to Christianity, a new liturgy that was born: baptism, holy communion, Trinity, sacraments, life eterma sky, host ...addition of many more countries oura no longer have Christianity as churchcountries that??kkkkkkkkkkkkkeuropeI understand ...completed the sentence of my friend with Santa Inquisition........saintthe holy officeboth killed when the HolocaustBut do not forget that the Holocaust killed more Christians than Jews .....and that is where they turn their backs on the faithfulis more the history books do not revealthe daughters of whores of the Jewstbm does not say that never believed in Jesusthey are fathers of Christianitymost do not follow or believethis was the artificil of hitleused against the JewsThe Jews are still awaiting the promised Messiah with the MohammedansMuslims and so on ....kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkWho was the father of Christianity was a PROSTITUTE (Catholic)kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkMagdaleneHaHaHaHaMagdalene had money and kept the congregationit isAnd Pedro was the mistress of JesuisJao know that Baptist was not a contemporary of JesusJao Baptist batisou not jesuswe know better .... and even a beggar who was in his time anyone put up withmore herodis daughter liked itso he asked his father's head proon a trayand he didpelomenos accounts in history bookseven though I know what you learn from historyless than 02% truehe could not do that because the law is not allowed because Jesus was the son of a Roman soldierhumequivalent to 2% caganeira that Don Pedro had Ipiranga in the creek when the horse jumped and played a sycophant he was giving the Cry of the Ipiranga kkkkkkkkkao ..... []kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkonly to seewhere are the foundation of this countryframes and the horse was portrayed by a guy who never went to the interior of Brazil and portrayed as if brasilis inside .....Vespusso americothe troops of King Peter was all for nagMules and DonkeyskkkkkkkkkkkkkkHorse in Brazilwas a luxury that neither D. pedro had19:42left Brazil when King John gave an embezzlement at the Bank of Brazil and left as few bad roles .... It took everything good back PURTUGAL
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