where are you? I am Brazilian and study the square [] as the symbolic object that YLUMINADO used to control the PEOPLE through what to say It used to be the god that never actually existed. For the primitive [] was used as FEAR and this fear is used as the divine ...
Our people live with a MODEL of the late eighteenth century and thinks it is a revolutionary concept of the century but it's all part of the cultural arrangement of what our friend told PEOPLE was the acculturated religiously since its creation it has already been discovered the country called EARTH BRASILIS had already been discovered by the Chinese. Hence our admiration for Indian culture that has influences of the Chinese people and Indian culture absorbed technologies Latinos founding peoples as Maya that many other people to be ignorant to understand the Maya westernized Chinese use the exchange LETTER by MAIA. For westernized culture and say that is not the same as the EAST ... We know that this clarifies our idea to understand what people are YLUDIDO or Illusion of the People this is [] that both speak .....
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