E-whiskers: Researchers develop highly sensitive tactile sensors:http://phy.so/309507166
(Phys.org) —From the world of nanotechnology we've gotten electronic skin, or e-skin, and electronic eye implants or e-eyes. Now we're on the verge of electronic whiskers. Researchers with Berkeley Lab and the University of California (UC) Berkeley have created tactile sensors from composite films of carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles similar to the highly sensitive whiskers of cats and rats. These new e-whiskers respond to pressure as slight as a single Pascal, about the pressure exerted on a table surface by a dollar bill. Among their many potential applications is giving robots new abilities to "see" and "feel" their surrounding environment.
(Phys.org) —From the world of nanotechnology we've gotten electronic skin, or e-skin, and electronic eye implants or e-eyes. Now we're on the verge of electronic whiskers. Researchers with Berkeley Lab and the University of California (UC) Berkeley have created tactile sensors from composite films of carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles similar to the highly sensitive whiskers of cats and rats. These new e-whiskers respond to pressure as slight as a single Pascal, about the pressure exerted on a table surface by a dollar bill. Among their many potential applications is giving robots new abilities to "see" and "feel" their surrounding environment.
E-bigodes: Pesquisadores desenvolvem sensores táteis altamente sensíveis: http://phy.so/309507166
(Phys.org)-Do mundo da nanotecnologia chegamos pele eletrônico, ou e-pele e implantes olho eletrônico ou e-olhos. Agora estamos à beira de bigodes eletrônicos. Pesquisadores com laboratório de Berkeley e da Universidade da Califórnia (UC), Berkeley criaram sensores táteis de filmes compósitos de nanotubos de carbono e nanopartículas de prata semelhantes aos bigodes altamente sensíveis de gatos e ratos. Estes novos e-bigodes responder à pressão como leve como uma única Pascal, sobre a pressão exercida sobre a superfície da mesa por uma nota de dólar. Entre as suas muitas aplicações potenciais está dando robôs novas habilidades de "ver" e "sentir" o seu ambiente circundante.
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